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Create form-based apps similar to Visual Basic, where you drag and drop buttons, input boxes, labels etc onto forms.

What you’ll learn

  • Create rich GUI-based applications
  • Create form based programs similar to visual basic forms
  • Create standalone software
  • Using Forms, Labels and Buttons
  • Using Edits boxes and Message Boxes
  • Use Strings and Integers
  • Build a simple calculator app
  • Rapid application development

If you want to get started quickly on building rich gui-based form applications using drag and drop method the easy way, then this course is for you. You will learn how to use Embarcadero C++ Builder to create form-based apps much like Visual Basic, where you drag and drop buttons, input boxes, labels etc onto forms.

You will also learn C++ the easy and fun way.

This crash course covers:

  1. Install C++ Builder
  2. Build Form Based Apps
  3. Using Forms, Labels and Buttons
  4. Using Edits boxes and Message Boxes
  5. Use Strings and Integers
  6. Build a simple calculator app

What better way to get started in C++ and also creating your own windows form-based programs the easy and fun way within 1 hour!

Money back guarantee:

This course is backed by a 30-day money back guarantee. So, go ahead and enroll in this course now and be on your way to creating drag-and-drop gui-based app today!

Who this course is for:
  • Beginner students wanting to learn how to create gui based programs
  • Hobbyist coders who like building form based apps using drag-and-drop method
  • Anyone wanting to learn C++
  • Programmers who want to learn to use the Embarcardero C++ Builder IDE

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