Hadoop Administrator | Cloudera | Cloudera Hadoop Secure Cluster | Kerberos Authentication | MIT Kerberos


Cloudera Hadoop | Big Data | Secure Cloudera Manager With Kerberos Authentication

You will Learn in This course.

1:- Hadoop 2 Prerequisites.

2:- Cloudera Manager Deployment.

3:- Add New Node To Cloudera Cluster.

4:- Kerberos Authentication Steps.

5:- Secure Cloudera Cluster

I have demonstrated that hadoop2 pre-requisites and Cloudera manager installation after installation enabling it Kerberos authentication on Cloudera manager and check one job on the cluster and check Kerberos is working or not. also, show how to create ec2 instance then creating an image of ec2 instance, spot instance on-demand instance then if you want to secure your Hadoop environment you will learn that in this course.

Who this course is for:
  • DBA
  • Big Data Hadoop Admin
  • Start Career In Hadoop
  • Cloudera Hortenworks And Apache Hadoop Admin

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