The complete full stack Java programming course in 2020. Build real projects in Swing, JavaFX, PostgreSQL, JDBC and JSP

What you’ll learn

  • Skills that will allow you to apply for jobs like: Swing, JavaFX, PostgreSQL, JDBC, JSP and Full Stack Java Developer
  • You will be empowered to build more projects that will help you to secure a lucrative job for yourself at the end of this course!!!
  • You will build over 25 advanced projects before the end of this course with over 120+ java best practices
  • You will setup Java Development Kit (JDK) step by step
  • You will work with eclipse IDE professionally
  • You will learn how to use basic java syntax
  • You will learn about decision making statements, loops, operator and numbers in Java
  • You will learn about Methods, Classes and Objects
  • You will learn about different math, character and string methods in java
  • You will learn about Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • You will understand how java works as an object
  • You will learn about Java Graphical User Interface (Swin)
  • You will learn basic components of Swing
  • You will build a basic calculator in java GUI
  • You will build a real world simple clock for date and time in java GUI
  • You will build an advance calculator in java GUI with full functionalities/operations
  • You will build a complete Hotel Management System (HMS) featured with receipt generator, calculator, menu bar and currency converter
  • You will learn how to write advance java program
  • You will learn how to brake codes into modules for advance reusage
  • You will learn about Java Database Connectivity
  • You will build a simple login page with image display
  • You will learn how to communicate with the database
  • You will learn how to Insert data into the database
  • You will learn how to Delete data in the database
  • You will learn how to Update data in the database
  • You will learn how to hide your password on user interface
  • You will learn how to clear data from the database
  • You will learn how to work with tables in database
  • You will build a complete Database Management System in Java GUI
  • You will learn how to export and run your applications as stand-alone projects
  • You will master Javafx and build lots of advanced JavaFX projects
  • You will master PostgreSQL from scratch
  • You will master Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) from scratch
  • You will be introduced to Java Server Pages for beginners

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