Understand the basics in securing and protecting your digital business in cyberspace
Every organization is responsible for ensuring cybersecurity. The ability to protect its information systems from impairment or even theft is essential to success. Implementing effective security measures will not only offer liability protection; it will also increase efficiency and productivity. Equally important to implementing cyber security is that individuals need to understand and apply the security to make it effective. This course provides that basic level of understanding to ensure that your business is adequately protected as a starting point, and to grow from there.
This course is applicable to anyone who wants a solid, basic introduction to what Cybersecurity is, and how it can be applied in the business environment to help you safely secure your cyber business. The types of people that would benefit most from this course are:
- Micro and small digital business owners
- E-commerce store operators
- Anyone either just starting out as a digital business owner, or already operating a digital business, and wants a solid understanding of how to protect their digital environment.
The basic course will contain the following modules:
- Module One: Getting Started
- Module Two: Cybersecurity Fundamentals
- Module Three: Types of Malware
- Module Four: Cyber Security Breaches
- Module Five: Types of Cyber Attacks
- Module Six: Prevention Tips
- Module Seven: Mobile Protection
- Module Eight: Social Network Security
- Module Nine: Prevention Software
- Module Ten: Critical Cyber Threats
- Module Eleven: Defense Against Hackers
- Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
Who this course is for:
- Micro and small digital business owners.
- E-commerce store operators.
- Anyone either just starting out as a digital business owner, or already operating a digital business.
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