Learn with Pragmatic Comparison based lessons for the two famous container orchestration tool head to head


Containerization has transformed the world of software development and operation. With the increasing demand of containers based technology like docker, there is need of container orchestration tool to handle the number of containers. Kubernetes and Docker Swarm are the two major players in container orchestration market.


Docker swarm is Docker’s own container’s orchestration with the same command-line interface (CLI) as is used for Docker containers whereas Kubernetes is cloud-native infrastructure tool originally developed by Google and now it is handed over to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) for enhancement and maintenance of Kubernetes.


Both Kubernetes and Docker Swarm are open source COE (Container Orchestration Engine), run Docker containers and offers same functionalities like




Load Balancing


Service Discovery


High Availability


Auto replication


Auto restart


Security and much more.


But there are some differences as well which make us confused to choose between them. Docker, Docker Swarm, and Kubernetes are tools that make life easier for technology professionals. To make use of these amazing resources, you need to understand their relative strengths and capabilities. In this course, you’ll learn all the fundamental concepts, strength, capabilities, difference and much more with lots of hands on practical implementation of Kubernetes and Docker Swarm.


Both of them are powerful and popular now it’s your choice to choose them according to the requirement.


Who this course is for:

Anyone who wants to containerize application

Anyone whether Developer, Operations, or Sysadmin at any skill level.

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