Your wait for the practical hands-on course on Java-8 is over. This course is structured with a key focus on learning by doing.
In this course, you will learn below Java-8 concepts and techniques in a hands-on based approach:
- Introduction to Java 8
- Interface Enhancements in Java 8
- Default methods inside the interface
- Static methods inside the interface
- Functional interfaces
- Inbuilt functional interfaces
- Lambda expressions
- Usage of Lambda expressions
- Concept of Predicates
- Method reference
- Double colon operator
- Constructor reference
- Streams
- Streams filter, map, count
- Streams filter and lazy
- Stream and forEach
- Stream min, max, sorted, distinct
- Stream peek and skip
- Stream range and rangeClosed
- Stream reduce
- Stream Optional
- Stream toSet and toMap
- Stream averaging and summarizing
- Stream and File operations
- Stream Map and FlatMap
- Parallel Stream
- Java 8 and Date Time API
You will get the source code of every topic with examples so that you can refer to them while learning the concepts.
After taking this course you will be able to apply the concepts in any Java project. If you are a beginner then you will learn the new features of java 8 and if you are already an experienced developer then you will be able to apply these concepts and upgrade your older java projects.
Topics are explained with examples and notes are taken by writing comments on the code, which will help in future reference of the concepts.
You can bookmark any topic while watching and you can ask your questions in the question forum.
If you are someone who is curious to know how to apply Java Programming to develop Real World Projects then this is the course for you, where you will learn to apply each and every java concepts to build any application of your own requirements.
In this course we will learn to develop an Ecommerce Application just by using Core Java and its concepts.
We will learn about the following:
You will learn to install JDK and Local development environment
You will learn about Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams and Activity diagram
You will learn to Apply Java Concepts to Develop a Real world Project
You will learn the best practices of Java Project Development
You will learn about Layered Architecture and How to use it to develop Java Projects
Create Java Project for Bookstore App
Sequence Diagram Explanation
Class Diagram Explanation
Creating all the required packages
Creating the Book DTO and Entity classes
Creating Repository Interface and Implementation layer for Book
Creating Service layer Interface and Implementation layer for Book
Creating Controller layer and Test Client class for Book
Integrate Book Client with Controller and Service layer
Learn to Debug the code by navigating through what we have build so far
Integrate Repository and Converter layer for Book by using Adapter Design pattern
Save the Book Entity in a list inside Repository
Serialize and save Book Entity in file
Write Deserialization logic to get the Book Entity object from the saved file
Get Book Detail and Deserialize Object and Debugging