Up and running with mongoengine


Learn MongoDB with Python and mongoengine. In this short, free course, we will build an AirBnB knock-off using Python and MongoDB. You will learn enough to get up and running with MongoDB for your next project.

According the to 2017 StackOverflow developer survey, MongoDB is one of the most loved and is by far the most wanted databases of 2017. You will learn many of the skills necessary to build MongoDB backed applications.

We will primarily focus on accessing MongoDB from the ODM mongoengine. While you can use the lower-level pymongo package, you’ll see that mongoengine adds powerful additional features not natively found in MongoDB such as required fields and default values.

You will learn

  • How document databases work
  • The benefits of NoSQL databases
  • A clear set of guidelines for modeling data with document databases
  • How to map Python classes into MongoDB collections
  • The basic CRUD operations (create, read, update and delete) for MongoDB
  • Complex queries (subdocuments, hierarchies, and more)
  • How to convert hierarchies in documents into flat Python structures using list comprehensions
  • Some Python tricks
  • To use PyCharm as your IDE which writing code

The course is free and the example code is extensive and available on github. Don’t wait to get started.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who is looking to build amazing Python-based applications based on MongoDB.

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