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This is a data analysis course which we use Python and its libraries in order to clean, analyze and visualize our data. This course is for anyone who is interested in data analytics. You don’t need to have any knowledge about python or statistics since we will be repeating these two at the beginning of the course. We will cover python libraries which is designed for data manipulation, data analysis, data visualization. Topics we are going to be covering:

-Fundamentals of Python

-Fundamentals of Statistics

-Pandas ( a Python Library designed for data cleaning, data analysis and data manipulation)

-Matplotlib (a Python Library designed for data visualization)

-Seaborn (a Python Library designed for data visualization)

will be covered in the course. After this course; you can create and share data analysis projects, start learning about machine learning in order to becoming a data scientist or you can learn a business intelligence tool like Microsoft Power BI or Tableau in order to start your career in business analytics. General concepts and codes and their returns will be covered in this course. In all course process and finishing it i would love to answering your questions about data analysis, data science and other concepts. Feel free to contact to me via courses Q&A Section.

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