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Create a ChatApp from scratch and communicate with friends and family


Welcome to this course where will be building a real-time chat application that you can use to communicate with your friends and family using node ,express ,socketio and mongodb


Nodes is a platform built on the Chrome JavaScript run time that can help you build fast, Scalable network applications. Nodes uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient—perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.


Socket.IO is a web library that enables real-time bidirectional event-based communication.


Express.js is a Node.js framework used in building nodejs applications


MongoDB—an open-source, document database—makes it easy to bring up an application stack and start coding.


Topics include:


Installing Nodejs

Installing Express

Installing Mongoose

Installing socketio

Setting up socketio

Serving static content with Express

Adding bootstrap and jQuery

Creating a get messages service

Creating a post services message

Emitting messages to clients

Setting up MongoDB using mLab

Connecting your app to mLab

Saving data to mongoDB

Initialising a git repository

Creating a hosting app on heroku

Tracking your app with git

Creating a model for mongoDB

Connecting with mongoose

Deploying application into Heroku cloud platform

Checking the logs for your app on Heroku platform



Who this course is for:

Beginners to Nodejs

Beginners to socketio

Beginners to mongoDB

Anyone who wants to learn how to build a chatapp

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