The single most important document when talking with investors is your Investor Pitch Deck. This is usually the first thing they see from you, so it has to grab their attention so you standout from the hundreds they might receive in a month. I will show you how to carefully craft each slide with the right message that engages investors to read on.
When presenting to investors, there is a common set of slides that investors typically like to see. I will show you exactly what slides investors want to see and in what order. Then I will help you build out your slides with the right information and format for each.
In this course, I will walk you step by step through the process of creating an investor pitch deck that will get noticed by investors (and will most assuredly increase your chances of getting funded).
As part of this course, you will receive a Pitch Deck Template that you can use to build your own pitch deck. Also, I have included a Sample Pitch Deck to help guide you though the process. Finally, there is an accompanying 30 page eBook that comes along with the course.
Extra Content for You – An Interview with Jasmine Foroutan, Expert in Creating Investor Pitch Decks
Investors have a set of metrics and indicators that will trigger them into taking action. Get the inside scoop on how to build the investor deck that speaks their language and incites them to fight to fund your business
As the founder & CEO of Pitch Genius, I have dedicated my career to supporting early-stage founders and it has made me fluent in investor-speak. It’s how I developed a methodology for strategic investor communications that I’m proud to say makes it 40x more likely that a startup gets funded.
At Pitch Genius, we’re on a mission to get you funded. Whether it’s your first time raising capital or you’re a serial entrepreneur, our team has the know-how, creativity, and business acumen to craft an investable story rooted in research. We know what moves the needle for investors and what will book you more meetings.
Our commitment to your startups’ success does not end with the delivery of a pitch deck, though. We offer a full suite of services designed to support each startup’s individual journey from financial modeling to coaching you on how to deliver the pitch.