Implement 60+ most frequently asked problem statements in C programming language

What you’ll learn

  • Problem Solving Skills
  • Logic Buidling
  • Coding in C
  • Step by Step Program Implementation
  • IT Coding Interview Preparation


The Course focuses on on problem solving skills using C programming. The course is helpful for building your logic.

The Course demonstrates step by step implementation of code for 60+ interesting problem statements. Some problem statements are mentioned below –

  1. Check whether given character is in upper case or lower case.
  2. Find the maximum number among given three numbers.
  3. Check whether user entered character is vowel or consonant.
  4. Perform aritmetic operations (+,-,*, and /) on given two numbers. Ask user which operation to perform.
  5. Print the all odd number from 1 to 100 using different loops.
  6. Print 1 to 10 Tables.
  7. Find factorial of given number (using loop)
  8. Find factorial of number using Recursion.
  9. Check if given year is leap year or not.
  10. Check if given number is Prime number or not
  11. Display Fibonacii series (using iteration) Display Fibonacii series (using recursion)
  12. Find average of 5 numbers using Arrays.
  13. Search if given number is present in the Array (Linear Search)
  14. Find smallest number from given Array.
  15. Display transpose of 2 dimensional matrix.
  16. Find sum of diagonal elements in the Matrix
  17. Perform addition of 2 dimensional matrices
  18. Perform multiplication of 2 dimensional matrices
  19. Find length of given string
  20. Find string length using recursion
  21. Check if given two strings are equal
  22. Copy one string into another string
  23. Reverse given string Reverse given string (using recursion)
  24. Delete all occurrences of given character from the string.
  25. Find sum of digits of given number
  26. Find Generic Root of given number
  27. Reverse given number
  28. Check if given number is Palindrome number or not
  29. Check if given number is Armstrong number or not
  30. Check if given number is Strong number or not
  31. Check if given number is Perfect number or not
  32. Swap values of 2 variables without using 3rd variable
  33. Swap values of 2 variables using Bitwise Operators

Who this course is for:

  • Students who are willing to develop problem solving skills
  • Students who are willing to develop logical skills

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