Implement 60+ most frequently asked problem statements in C programming language
What you’ll learn
Problem Solving Skills
Logic Buidling
Coding in C
Step by Step Program Implementation
IT Coding Interview Preparation
The Course focuses on on problem solving skills using C programming. The course is helpful for building your logic.
The Course demonstrates step by step implementation of code for 60+ interesting problem statements. Some problem statements are mentioned below –
- Check whether given character is in upper case or lower case.
- Find the maximum number among given three numbers.
- Check whether user entered character is vowel or consonant.
- Perform aritmetic operations (+,-,*, and /) on given two numbers. Ask user which operation to perform.
- Print the all odd number from 1 to 100 using different loops.
- Print 1 to 10 Tables.
- Find factorial of given number (using loop)
- Find factorial of number using Recursion.
- Check if given year is leap year or not.
- Check if given number is Prime number or not
- Display Fibonacii series (using iteration) Display Fibonacii series (using recursion)
- Find average of 5 numbers using Arrays.
- Search if given number is present in the Array (Linear Search)
- Find smallest number from given Array.
- Display transpose of 2 dimensional matrix.
- Find sum of diagonal elements in the Matrix
- Perform addition of 2 dimensional matrices
- Perform multiplication of 2 dimensional matrices
- Find length of given string
- Find string length using recursion
- Check if given two strings are equal
- Copy one string into another string
- Reverse given string Reverse given string (using recursion)
- Delete all occurrences of given character from the string.
- Find sum of digits of given number
- Find Generic Root of given number
- Reverse given number
- Check if given number is Palindrome number or not
- Check if given number is Armstrong number or not
- Check if given number is Strong number or not
- Check if given number is Perfect number or not
- Swap values of 2 variables without using 3rd variable
- Swap values of 2 variables using Bitwise Operators
Who this course is for:
- Students who are willing to develop problem solving skills
- Students who are willing to develop logical skills
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