This Course include 150+ Questions and Answers of different levels which helps you to crack the interview


Python is most popular language with it’s attributes. If you want to be confident about cracking the aptitude test in programming , then Enroll our Course and go through the Question and Answer. Practice it.

For the students who are afraid of aptitude test in programming. We have designed a set of Interview Cracking course which enhances your knowledge and make you confident.

The practice tests will cover the following topics

* Variables

* Basic Operation

* Formatting

* Numeric Type

* Data type

* Problems on precedence

* Bit-wise numeric

* Loops

* Strings

* Lists

* Tuples

* Sets

* Classes

* Dictionary function

* Built-in function

Who this course is for:
  • Job seekers
  • Students who wants to Crack placements
  • Aptitude test preparation

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