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Key 15 brain teaser interview questions: Apple, Google, Amazon questions you need to know for tech & IT job interviews

What you’ll learn

  • Answering 15 key brain teaser questions
  • Interview skills for tech jobs
  • Formula for answering any brain teaser puzzle
  • Get a job at Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon
  • Learn from previous job applicants sharing these questions


Chance favors the prepared mind” – Louis Pasteur

Do you dream of getting a tech job with one of the leading tech companies? If so, you need to be prepared for very tough brain teaser questions that the sector is known for.

In this course, you are going to learn how to to answer the most widely used brain teaser questions asked in job interviews across the world in the main tech firms – from Alphabet (Google) to SAP.

The course is structured in a transparent and simple-to digest manner

  • First, you will understand a system how to answer teach job brain teaser interview questions
  • Second, 15 practical examples allow you to apply your skills in answering the most widely used brain teasers

These brain teaser questions have been sourced from individuals who have successfully passed interviews at the following tech firms:

  • AWS – Amazon
  • Apple
  • Facebook
  • Alphabet – Google
  • Tencent
  • IBM
  • Microsoft
  • SAP
  • Intel
  • Cisco
  • Linkedin
  • Dropbox

This interview skills course follows the 80/20 principle of effectiveness, focusing on the key brain twister interview questions asked by the major tech firms worldwide.

You will be able to answer all the following brain teaser interview questions and more

  • Russian Roulette
  • Poisoned drinks
  • Farmer challenge
  • Flagpoles
  • Box of marbles
  • Playing a game
  • Reading in the dark
  • Golfballs in a Boeing 747
  • Weighting 9 balls
  • Parking lot in San Francisco
  • Poor man getting rich with brain teaser
  • Mysterious object
  • Throw the luggage overboard
  • Burning ropes
  • Socks everywhere

Furthermore, you will be handed a formula to answer not just these example brain teasers, but virtually all brain twister questions you could encounter in a job interview.

Attention: this course does not teach general job interview questions but rather focuses on brain teasers only. For general job interview questions, please sign up for my general job interview course.

If you like quizzes, riddles and brain-twisters, this course is for you. If you don’t like them, this course is your key ressource to start appreciating them – because the techniques taught in this course make it so easy to succeeed in answering all common brain twisters.

When you know what to expect, you stop being bervous” – Student

Who this course is for:

  • Applicants for tech jobs
  • Job seekers for tech jobs at Apple, Google, Tencent etc
  • Professionals and hobbyists interested in riddles and brain twisters

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