Learn JavaScript from the beginning! Quizzes, JavaScript ES6, Array, JavaScript Operator,OOP, JS Console,prototypes,DOM
What you’ll learn
Understand the fundamental concepts in JavaScript
Asynchronous JavaScript: The event loop, Generator, async Etc
Write solid JavaScript code
Modern JavaScript for 2020: ES6 modules
Learn problem-solving skills ,Learn to write Javascript arrays,JavaScript functions,Javascript loops, Javascript variables,Javascript condition structure
JavaScript and programming fundamentals: variables, boolean logic, if/else, loops, functions, arrays, etc
Object-oriented programming
Manipulating web pages DOM with JavaScript
Event handling, asynchronous coding OOP including ES5 prototypes & ES2015 classes
`this` keyword ,Let Keyword, Const Keyword
Get friendly and fast support in the course Q&A
Include Downloadable lectures, code and design assets for all Exercises
Advanced JavaScript Practices
JavaScript For Beginners
One of the best Practical JavaScript tutorial udemy.
This is a 100% complete JavaScript course, that goes beyond what other JavaScript courses out there teach you. Javascript is the language that modern developers need to know. Truly knowing Javascript will get you a job, and enable you to build quality web and server applications. After completing this course i truly say that you will become an Entry Level developer in Javascript.
I will take you from a complete JavaScript beginner to an Entry Level developer. You will not just learn the JavaScript language itself, you will also learn how to program. How to solve problems. How to structure and organize code using common JavaScript patterns. You will Learn Javascript JS ES6 (ECMAScript 6). You will learn Javascript OOP, Js Array, JS Operators, Js Property Descriptors,JS Error Handling, JS Validation Form,JS Timing, JS Maps,JS Method Overriding, JavaScript Inheritance ,JavaScript Encapsulation,JavaScript Constructor,JavaScript Document Object Model (DOM),DOM Manipulation,JavaScript Variable Scope, JavaScript Variable,JavaScript Loops,JavaScript Events,JavaScript Statement Control (If,Else,Switch Etc),Build-In Methods in Javascript,ES6 Template Literals, ES6 const Keyword,ES6 let Keyword,ES6 Default Function Parameters,ES6 Arrow Functions,ES6 Rest Parameters,ES6 Classes,ES6 The Spread Operator,ES6 Destructuring Assignment,ES6 Generators,ES6 Symbol.Iterator Method,ES6 Generator throw,ES6 Async iterators and Much more.
Come with me on a journey with the goal of truly understanding the JavaScript Programming language. And I explain each and everything on the way with great detail!
Why should I learn JavaScript in 2020?
Yes, of course, you need to learn JavaScript because it has a lot of usage in the web developing world, and its the only language which runs on the browser. And the average salary of a JavaScript Expert is about $112,436 per year in the united states.
JavaScript is excellent for animating, rendering and scaling. JavaScript even has contributed to the internet of things, the technology that makes simple objects, like your fridge, smarter. Everyday devices can become interactive and collect data using JavaScript libraries.
JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, and growing faster than any other programming language. As a developer, you can use JavaScript to build web and mobile apps, real-time networking apps, command-line tools, and games.
Who uses JavaScript?
JavaScript is run on almost every modern browser. Web Developers and Front-End Engineers use JavaScript every day to create interactive websites. Whenever you’re reading a blog article, or interacting on facebook, you’re reaping the benefits of JavaScript. Websites are created using several different languages.
To achieve our Javascript goal together, the course contains coding sessions, coding challenges, theory lectures (articles), real-world projects ,Video Lectures, Javascript Interview questions, and a final course exam.
This course is totally different because it’s not just about learning and writing code, it’s also about how and why code works with real life example the way it does. Because it’s the perfect mix between theory and practice.
If you are interested in using popular libraries/frameworks like React, Angular or Node.js Javascript is most important to learn.
This course will also cover such advanced concepts or topics as objects and object literals, function expressions, prototypical inheritance, functional programming, scope, function constructors (plus new ES6 features) , call, apply, bind, and much more.
While learning course will make you a better Javascript developer, and improve your abilities in AngularJS, NodeJS, jQuery, React, Ember, MongoDB, and all other Javascript-based technologies! Because this is the basic Javascript course and these concept are using in these all languages.
Curriculum of the Course: Sections Covered
- Introduction to the Course
- Fundamentals to JavaScript
- Operators in JavaScript
- Build-In Methods in Javascript
- Control Flow or Decision making
- JavaScript Events
- Javascript Loops
- Array In Javascript
- Functions in Javascript
- Beyond the basic of Javascript
- JavaScript Document Object Model
- JavaScript OOP
- Advanced Javascript
- JavaScript ES6 (ECMAScript 6)
- Generators, advanced iteration
So Guys what are you waiting for start this adventure today by clicking the “Take this course” button, and join me in the only JavaScript course that you will need to grow your skills!
Note: In this course you’ll also get downloadable source code with each lecture.and lot of coding challenges.
- Take this course if you want to learn deep understanding of the most popular programming language in the world JavaScript.
- Those with basic Javascript skills who wish to improve
- Experienced coders coming from other programming languages
- Beginner web development students who have no or only little JavaScript experience
- Everyone interested in learning JavaScript and all about how it works
- Those who want a thorough step by step introduction to the JavaScript language
- Anyone who has found concepts just as object prototypes, closures, and other advanced concepts difficult to learn
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