This course will help you become more productive on a personal and professional level as well. It will help you to understand the science behind achievement as well , plus what really is productivity and when it becomes a reverse trend when you focus on extreme efficiency at the cost of great accuracy. The course developed will help you to understand why procrastination occurs, why some people don’t achieve their desired results, even though they think they are being productive but most of them lose motivation, so science behind the achievement is also discussed. Techniques used for productivity measures are shown which will help you to apply those techniques in every aspect of your life to improve the overall amount of productivity in your daily lives. The tasks that kill productivity are discussed as well as some personal examples which have occurred to me throughout my life will be discussed and effective measures that will help you to understand how the brain science can be implemented with productivity tools. All in all this course will help you to become a effective productivity master by the end all within the realms of what is practically applicable as we will see further in the course

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