unix, linux, unix command, linux command, sed, awk, grep, find, sort, regular expression, compress, zip, gzip
What you’ll learn
Practical hands-on unix or linux commands which are required on the ground
Commands to work with Files and Directories
Searching patterns across the contents
Hands-on on columnar data
sort, grep, sed, awk, zip, gzip, tar
Ways to compression and un-compress files
Linux Operating system installation
and more !
Let’s learn basics to transform your career. 10,000+ students learning the course.
I promise not to exhaust you with huge number of videos.
Welcome to the most comprehensive Practical hands-on UNIX or Linux Command Line course! An excellent choice for beginners and professionals looking to expand their knowledge on one of the most popular Practical Unix or Linux Commands in the world such as most informative form of files and directory listing as well operations, searching patterns across the contents, hands-on on columnar data, sorting, hands-on experience with stream editor, practical production ways to compression and un-compress files, Linux operating system installation without disturbing your current operating system as well as advance commands with global search operations and more.
Start Practical hands-on UNIX or Linux Command Line course offers video tutorials on the basics of most powerful and popular and advance commands extensively used in today’s unix or linux practical worlds.
Why learn hands-on UNIX or Linux Command Line?
Everyone someday will need to login to unix or linux environment to perform some basic yet powerful tasks to solve the business purpose if you are working in Information Technology world. Since Unix or Linux operating systems are most robust and secure operating systems and they are most used. So, it is must for every student as well as for every IT Professional to have knowledge of basic command line
Whether you’re a student or any IT Professional willing upskill or learn or planning to transit yourself to unix or linux related roles, Practical hands-on UNIX or Linux Command Line course offers you an incredible introduction to most powerful and popular unix or linux commands!
- Anyone who want to start with Practical Unix or Linux Command Line in short period of time.
- Students, Software Professional, Production Support Engineers who are curios about unix or linux commands
- Tester, Automation Tester, Manual Tester who want to work in unix or linux environment
- DBA, Mainframe Developer who want to get themselves familiar with Unix or Linux Command Line
- Managers who want to get themselves familiar with Unix or Linux Command Line
- System Administrators who want to get themselves familiar with Unix or Linux Command Line
- Professional working in java, .NET, python, database, or any field of computer
- RPA Developer, Data Scientists, Machine Learning Engineers
- Anyone who want upskill themselves in unix or linux commands
- Every IT Professional will someday need to login to unix or linux in their career
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