In this crash course you’re going to learn how to build a COVID-19 dashboard using real data and publish it online.

What you’ll learn

  • Create a beautifully designed dashboard about the Coronavirus
  • Share your dashboard online for the world to see
  • Connect to real, live data through Google Sheets
  • Perform calculations on Tableau
  • Build graphs and learn how to format them
  • Create Sets and Top 10 Calculations
  • Check and audit your data

We are living in a data world right now. And, as a Data Engineer practicing in the real world, I know there’s a wealth of information out there that many people and companies don’t know what to do with!

This course will introduce you to Tableau, a data visualisation tool which enables you to create beautiful dashboards quickly with little use of code. What you’ll learn:

  • Create a beautifully designed dashboard about the Coronavirus
  • Share your dashboard online for the world to see
  • Connect to real, live data through Google Sheets
  • Perform calculations on Tableau
  • Build graphs and learn how to format them
  • Bonus Section: Create a dashboard analyzing Trump’s Tweets about COVID-19.

By the end of this course, you will know the fundamentals of Tableau and building modern dashboards. You can even add a link to the dashboards in your resume!

Who this course is for:
  • Anyone who wants to learn more about Tableau and Data Analytics

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