Enter the world of 3D simulation and have fun learning and teaching Microcontroller Electronics, Mechanical and PCB

What you’ll learn

  • Simulate and design 3D Electronic Circuits
  • Program 3D PIC microcontroller using Flow-charting
  • Simulate 3D PCB
  • Simulate 3D mechanisms
  • Simulate 3D Measurements


>>> 3D simulators nowadays are covering all aspects of the electronic design process, in 3D. In this course you will get the chance to explore the wonders of 3D simulation of a limitless range of circuit boards, a 2D circuit design tools, and also PIC microcontroller simulation, testing and programming. <<<

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More Than 2200 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!

What students are saying:

  • Iniyavel Sugumar says, “This course is very promising. THere’s a lot I’m learning from Yenka and I hope this will give me the confidence to build my own circuits both at home and at work.  “
  • Ashley Reid says, “A very good intro to electronics mechanics & microcontrolers as well as using the software. Brilliant for testing & experimentation as the run through tutorials were paced at a good speed so gave you much time to try out each project or subject. Thank you again & well done, 10/10.”

Welcome to this course.

You will get the chance to learn:

  • 3D Electronic simulation and design
  • PIC microcontroller programming
  • Flowcharting
  • 3D PCB simulation
  • 3D mechanisms
  • Measurement

What You Will learn in This Course

  • What is Crocodile Technology
  • Why it is helpful to simulate and design in 3D
  • Download and Install the Software
  • User Interface Introduction
  • Design and Simulate ON/OFF Switches Circuits
  • Design and Simulate Microcontroller Systems
  • Flowcharting.
  • Design and Simulate Simple Led On/Off Circuits
  • Design and Simulate Simple Led Flasher Circuits
  • Design and Simulate Simple 7 Segment Circuits
  • Design and Simulate Counter using 7 Segment Circuits
  • Design and Simulate Motors

This will be a journey of a life time for everyone looking for a new vision in Engineering Simulation, easy to use and really helpful software will be introduced.

Who this course is for:

  • Any Tech Geek
  • Engineering Students
  • School Students who want’s to learn more about electronics in simple ways
  • Teachers who are looking for ways to make learning more fun and interactive

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