Create your Own Radar using Arduino and get a Green Map Showing Objects at your own Screen in no time


What you’ll learn

  • Know and use Arduino
  • Build your own Radar Using UltraSonic
  • Know and use UltraSonic Sensor, Servo Motor
  • Code different modules such as Servo, SR04
  • Code Arduino in C and Java Coding


>>> This course will take you in a step by step guide on how to make your own Radar using Arduino Board. <<<

>>> Continues Updates <<<

4 Star | More Than 3000 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!

What students are saying:

  • Nathan Johnnie says, “As always Excellent!  “
  • Donald R. Lyons, Sr. says, “The course is concise and to the point. There is not a lot of wasted discussion.”

Welcome to this course.

You will get to know how to wire each of these elements, how it works, and why we are using it inside this Project, in no time you will find yourself making your own Radar that shows different object and the distance between you and each object.

A Radar station is a device that collects data related to objects in the surronding environment using Ultrasonic sensors and a Servo motor to cover wider area.

The aim is to make a portable Radar Device

Features it should have

  • Distance
  • Angle
  • Map that show different objects

You will wire sensors and motor to Arduino UNO board and start testing the code yourself, every piece of code is well explained so that you can easily know what each segment does.

A lot of information is waiting for you inside this course, join now and start making your own.

Who this course is for:

  • Electronics Geeks
  • Arduino Geeks
  • Anyone interested in making amazing electronics Projects
  • Anyone interested in making amazing Microcontroller Projects

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