Docker, EBS, RDS, CLB, NLB, ALB, Fargate, ECR, CloudWatch, Route53, Certificate Manager, X-Ray, Ingress, Autoscaling,SNS
What you’ll learn
You will write kubernetes manifests with confidence after going through live template writing sections
You will learn 30+ kubernetes concepts and use 18 AWS Services in combination with EKS
You will learn Kubernetes Fundamentals in both imperative and declarative approaches
You will learn writing & deploying k8s manifests for storage concepts like storage class, persistent volume claim pvc, mysql and EBS CSI Driver
You will learn to switch from native EBS Storage to RDS Database using k8s external name service
You will learn writing and deploying load balancer k8s manifests for Classic and Network load balancers
You will learn writing ingress k8s manifests by enabling features like context path based routing, SSL, SSL Redirect and External DNS.
You will learn writing k8s manifests for advanced fargate profiles and do mixed mode workload deployments in both EC2 and Fargate Serverless
You will learn using ECR – Elastic Container Registry in combination with EKS.
You will implement DevOps concepts with AWS Code Services like CodeCommit, CodeBuild and CodePipeline
You will implement microservices core cocepts like Service Discovery, Distributed Tracing using X-Ray and Canary Deployments
You will learn to enable Autoscaling features like HPA,VPA and Cluster Autoscaler
You will learn to enable monitoring and logging for EKS cluster and workloads in cluster using CloudWatch Container Insights
You will learn Docker fundamentals by implementing usecases like download image from Docker Hub and run on local desktop and build an image locally, test and push to Docker Hub.
You will slowly start by learning Docker Fundamentals and move on to Kubenetes.
You will master many kubectl commands over the process
******* Course Overview *******
Welcome to this Amazing course on AWS EKS Kubernetes – Masterclass | DevOps, Microservices. Below is the list of modules covered in this course.
Course Modules
- Create AWS EKS Cluster using eksctl CLI
- Docker Fundamentals
- Kubernetes Fundamentals (Pods, ReplicaSets, Deployments & Services)
- EKS Storage with AWS EBS CSI Driver
- Kubernetes Important Concepts for Application Deployments
- Kubernetes – Secrets
- Kubernetes – Init Containers
- Kubernetes – Liveness & Readiness Probes
- Kubernetes – Requests & Limits
- Kubernetes – Namespaces, Limit Range and Resource Quota
- EKS Storage with AWS RDS MySQL Database
- Load Balancing using CLB & NLB
- Load Balancing using CLB – AWS Classic Load Balancer
- Load Balancing using NLB – AWS Network Load Balancer
- Load Balancing using ALB – AWS Application Load Balancer
- ALB Ingress Controller – Install
- ALB Ingress – Basics
- ALB Ingress – Context path-based routing
- ALB Ingress – SSL
- ALB Ingress – SSL Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
- ALB Ingress – External DNS
- Deploy Kubernetes workloads on AWS Fargate Serverless
- AWS Fargate Profiles – Basic
- AWS Fargate Profiles – Advanced using YAML
- Build and Push Container to AWS ECR and use that in EKS
- DevOps with AWS Developer Tools CodeCommit, CodeBuild and CodePipeline
- Microservices Deployment on EKS – Service Discovery
- Microservices Distributed Tracing using AWS X-Ray
- Microservices Canary Deployments
- EKS HPA – Horizontal Pod Autosaler
- EKS VPA – Vertical Pod Autosaler
- EKS CA – Cluster Autosaler
- EKS Monitoring using CloudWatch Agent & Fluentd – Container Insights
AWSÂ Services Covered
- AWS EKS – Elastic Kubernetes Service
- AWS EBS – Elastic Block Store
- AWS RDS – Relational Database Service MySQL
- AWS CLB – Classic Load Balancer
- AWS NLB – Network Load Balancer
- AWS ALB – Application Load Balancer
- AWS Fargate – Serverless
- AWS ECR – Elastic Container Registry
- AWS Developer Tool – CodeCommit
- AWS Developer Tool – CodeBuild
- AWS Developer Tool – CodePipeline
- AWS X-Ray
- AWS CloudWatch – Container Insights
- AWS CloudWatch – Log Groups & Log Insights
- AWS CloudWatch – Alarms
- AWS Route53
- AWS Certificate Manager
- EKS CLI – eksctl
- AWS SNS – Simple Notification Service
Kubernetes Concepts Covered
- Kubernetes Architecture
- Pods
- ReplicaSets
- Deployments
- Services – Node Port Service
- Services – Cluster IP Service
- Services – External Name Service
- Services – Load Balancers
- Services – Ingress Service
- Services – Ingress SSL & SSL Redirect
- Services – Ingress & External DNS
- Imperative – with kubectl
- Declarative – Declarative with YAML
- Secrets
- Init Containers
- Liveness & Readiness Probes
- Requests & Limits
- Namespaces – Imperative
- Namespaces – Limit Range
- Namespaces – Resource Quota
- Storage Classes
- Persistent Volumes
- Persistent Volume Claims
- Annotations
- Canary Deployments
- HPA – Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
- VPA – Vertical Pod Autoscaler
- CA – Cluster Autoscaler
- DaemonSets
- DaemonSets – Fluentd for logs
- Config Maps
Each of my courses come with
- Amazing Hands-on Step By Step Learning Experiences
- Real Implementation Experience
- Friendly Support in the Q&A section
- 30 Day “No Questions Asked” Money Back Guarantee!
Who this course is for:
- Any beginner who is interested in learning kubernetes on cloud using AWS EKS.
- Any beginner who is interested in learning Kubernetes DevOps and Microservices deployments on Kubernetes
- AWS Architects or Sysadmins or Developers who are planning to master Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) for running applications on Kubernetes
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