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Learn How to write a clean code, professional code and maintainable code. Learn the best programming practices.


We write code, it works, but it is not elegant. it is not based on the software design principle. Sometimes it is not very much readable, not easily extensible, not easily explainable to others. Such a code might work, but it is not a clean code.


Clean code is actually Craftsmanship.


Writing a clean code requires knowledge and work. For writing clean code, we need to know the common mistakes which we may leave behind and the best practices which we should follow.


This course covers the knowledge part of writing the clean code. The knowledge is about learning from our own and from others experiences. Learning from others mistakes or experience is more important and should be done early as it saves huge cost of making the same mistakes ourselves. Understanding and walking the right path is easier if we adopt it early in our journey i.e. when we are learning to code.


This course also covers the common mistakes and the best practices of programming. It tells you about the common mistakes which are made while using the loops, in formatting the code, in using recursion, how we end up getting a dead code etc.


Similarly for the best practices part, this course covers how to use good comments, when to use them, how to name the variables in the programs, how to design the functions and classes based on the software design principles e.g. Single Responsibility Principle, Open Closed Principle and Dependency Inversion Principle etc.


Learning how to write clean code requires your effort, time and a good intention of understanding its importance. You will enjoy and appreciate this course if you agree that the professional code you write serves some purpose to the society. It is used by your users, your customers, the software maintenance team and the testing team. Your code is written once and is maintained for years. A clean, properly arranged and easily maintainable code can easily serve this purpose.


Writing a clean code requires you to be a smart programmer. In programming smartness is not writing code which nobody can understand, rather it is in writing such a self explanatory code, which is easily understandable by others. Clarity is the King!


If you agree on the above, I promise that you will enjoy all the material covered in this course and you will find it worth your time and effort!


Let me invite you to start this journey on writing a clean code, a better code, a professional code. Let’s get started.

Who this course is for:

Software Developers



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