Learn to create 2D Graphics and Animations
Gaming is one of the most popular computer activities. New technologies are constantly arriving to make it possible to develop better and more powerful games that can be run in any standards-compliant web browser.
Canvas is an HTML element that acts as a container or surface that you can draw
2d and 3d graphics on using the javascript scripting language. Canvas behaves like
any HTML element in that you can assign attributes and css styling to it.
Canvas is a fairly new technology of HTML5 and not supported in much older versions
of major web browsers. The more recent versions of the major web browsers supports the canvas element.
Canvas is quite popular with developers as the development tools required to create canvas
based applications are free.Another cool thing with canvas is that you only have to create canvas
applications once and deployed to any device or medium that has a modern web browsers.
This is a huge advantage over other apps that have to be deployed to the app store,google play
or windows store.
Canvas can be used in a variety of ways such as to create 2d and 3d games, Advertising,Data representation and reporting
as well educational related projects.
What You Will Learn
What is Canvas
Why Canvas is popular
What Browser’s support Canvas
What you can create with Canvas
Creating your first canvas
Understanding The Coordinates
Creating a simple graphic
Who this course is for:
This course is meant for those with basic knowledge of HTML,CSS and Javascript
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