Power Query M Language programming secrets to take you to the next level.


What is M formula language


One of the most critical and challenging tasks in any data analytics project is data transformation & data cleaning. We need to prepare the data to make it suitable for analysis to retrieve useful insights.


In the world of power bi, we have a Power query like an ETL for the data warehouse. Whenever we perform any operation on the data, the power query generates M code, a formula language. M formula language contains a rich set of different functions for data transformation & cleaning.


Why learn M formula language


In power bi, we have a graphical user interface that we use to perform different operations on the data. Still, unfortunately, this interface is minimal. We cannot perform all the data related operations on it by using a graphical user interface.


Almost every month, Microsoft releases new versions of Power BI, which have new graphical tools in the power bi ribbon. However, we still have to depend on the unique features of the power query graphical user interface.


We can overcome this dependency by learning the Power Query M language. M language is much more powerful than the Power query because the entire underlying auto-generated code will be in our hands.


In this course, You will learn all the building blocks of Power query M language to master it on your own.


This course will give you a clear path about the M language on how to implement any available function for data transformation.


New upcoming features & functions will be added in this course from time to time.


About me


My name is Muhammad Asif, and I will be your instructor in this course. I have more than ten years of experience in data & analytics with one of the world’s leading organizations. I am a Microsoft certified solution expert in data analytics & management.


I have developed several data models, dashboards & reports for a different line of services. You can learn from my experience, and I will share each and everything. I aim to spread the knowledge by simplifying hard concepts.


I wish you all the best for your journey in Power BI & M formula language.


Who this course is for:

Excel users

Data Analysts

Business Intelligence constultants

Data Engineers

Data Scientists

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