The course to learn Statistics and Research using Excel with industry relevant datasets.

What you’ll learn

  • Statistical Analysis
  • Research Methodology
  • Parametric Tests
  • Non Parametric Tests
  • Excel

Statistical Analysis and Research using Excel is a blended learning program of theoretical knowledge with its application in Microsoft Excel software. This course is a base to all the analytical studies, and research studies. It is focused on more industry relevant examples and situations, where in you learn how you actually need to apply your research and analytical skills at workplace. This can also be considered as a foundation course if you are looking out for higher education in research and analytics.

From the work perspective, this course is more suitable to jobs for data engineering, data analyst and marketing research jobs.

Who this course is for:
  • Working Professionals
  • Statictical Analysts
  • Researchers
  • Graduate Students
  • Data Analyst
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