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Bonjour à tous!
(Hello everyone)

Do you want to learn how to converse using basic French questions and answers? And at the same time, you just don’t want to memorize words but also be able to have some background about some French lessons so that you can use it as well in other conversations? Then this is the right course for you.

My name is Tiana and I’ve been teaching French for over 8 years. I love sharing my knowledge and it is a pleasure for me to present it in ways people will not feel burdened. The course is tailored using simplified versions of the lesson and with loads of activities. The goal is to break down the long text/ grammar/ burdensome lesson and to make it light and engaging without losing the essentials.

My course is perfect for the complete beginner but also for those who already have a background in the French language and just want to review it or to refresh their learning.


The course always starts with a lesson followed by activities where listening, speaking & pronunciation skills are developed. We also focus on vocabularies buildup. The lessons are geared to help students practice what they learn and at the same time ensure that they memorize the language on the go. The lessons in this course are light, coherent and practical

My goal focuses more on how well you learn. We invite you to watch the free preview lesson below and feel free to sign up if you want to start the journey.

Merci. À bientôt ?! (Thank you. See you soon ?)

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