Learn techniques which will ensure hyper-efficiency & consistency within Photoshop
This course is for designers & marketers who already understand the fundamentals of Photoshop but believe there is a more effective, faster way to work. Work through a multi format creative campaign and learn techniques which will ensure hyper-efficiency & consistency.
Join Adobe certified instructor Daniel Scott to learn:
• How to maintain a consistent look across social media, print and web touchpoints.
• Fast and efficient selection & masking techniques.
• Practical retouching techniques and time saver shortcuts using Photoshop.
• Workflow hacks for nondestructive design using artboards, Smart Objects & libraries.
• The many new Photoshop 2020 features
- Designers and Marketers that want to learn faster ways to work with Photoshop
[maxbutton id=”1″ url=”https://www.udemy.com/course/photoshop-cc-2019-productivity-techniques/” ]